Wednesday, 18 September 2019

EP 24: Care Package Tips and Tricks with Rachel McQuiston

On episode 24, Rachel from Countdowns and Cupcakesgives us all the best tips and tricks for making a great care package. She makes awesome care package designs that you can buy. I ask about inexpensive ideas for things to send, unique ideas, homemade, staples to send every time etc. She sends a large flat rate USPS box about once a month full of goodies when her husband is deployed. We talk care package themes, her favorite one to put together, his favorite one he has received. She also gives the best tip: wrap all the contents inside the care package for a little extra fun and surprise. You don’t need to do this every time but it’s a fun surprise.

Rachel also mentions how during Christmas time she will spend a box full of stuff that her husband can give to the other guys because some guys don’t receive mail during their deployments. I get the run down on just how to ship care packages to deployed soldiers: hint use the USPS (they are the cheapest and will have all the forms you need.) 

One of the things I love most about Rachel’s shop is when you buy a care package design she includes a list of things that could go with the theme of the care package you bought. How cool, right? 

Rachel’s instagram 
Rachel’s shop: Countdowns and Cupcakes
Hurry Up and Wait Instagram 

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